The Christian Life: Dealing with Spiritual Warfare at Work

She is not in office today, “tank yuh Jesus”.

madea hallelujer
madea hallelujer

I prayed like Daniel, Elijah, Jesus before crucification and David trying to sweet up God. I really needed peace from here on out. I was not able to psychologically or emotionally handle anymore anxiety or stress.

Psychologists would describe me as the kind of person who bottles it all in, grins and bear it, and then blows like Mount Pompeii; taking no prisoners. I am trying desperately to maintain my professionalism and sanity. They say if you hang around mad people enough, ‘yuh soon come in like dem’. Heaven forbid!

The last two days were spent venting through my writing, aiding my poor, sick mother and de-stressing as much as possible. Writing is essential for me. It is therapeutic. My neighbour read my postings and said I made her day; she couldn’t stop laughing. At least someone else is finding the humour in all of this.

Today, peace reigns; just like any day when my horrible boss is not in office. The atmosphere is light. Nonetheless, I am sighing heavily. My body feels ’12 years a slave’.

HR responded to say, “Your manager says she knows nothing about how you are feeling and why”. I am sure Cain said the same when he was confronted about Abel. Except, God sees and knows everything. I do pray that it all works out and when the anger subsides, I will have to pray for her too. I have realised that when you pray for good things in your ‘enemies’ lives, they have no time or desire to mess with you; they are too happy.

This is the good part, ” please note that in the meantime we are making arrangements for you to see the counselor, who will guide you with coping…”. Do you notice? I need to learn how to cope and exist with a harassing, bipolar, vindictive micromanager. Will counseling be recommended for her? Not likely; though this horrible boss‘s behavior is serial. But, I will discuss that another time.

Today, I will enjoy the calm before…..

2 thoughts on “The Christian Life: Dealing with Spiritual Warfare at Work

  1. “I have realised that when you pray for good things in your ‘enemies’ lives, they have no time or desire to mess with you; they are too happy.” HAHAHAAA! I like that one, I’m going to start using it.


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